Jak się bawią kapitaliści na Oklahoma Gaming Expo możecie zobaczyć
tu. Uprzedzam, dość statyczna impreza...
Looks quite impressive .
But where the hell is the beer, the music & the
fun ?
I think I've seen a sign "don't touch !" in one of the pictures ;-)
Mr.Bacardi, 2004-10-21 12:43:25, x
Sure. Don't You think polish parties are much better? ;)
Jurgi, 2004-10-22 00:43:12, x
it's like - "i have more rare cartdridges than you, so my penis is
bigger" kinda thing. Those classic gaming parties are so boring. At least from what I can see on the pictures.
mikey, 2004-10-26 02:41:02, x
Yes. In poland we have another way for fun: "I can drink more alcohol than
you, so… :) I'm a better coder".
Jurgi, 2004-10-26 23:25:31, x
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