The newest game of Krzysztof Dudek and Adam Powroznik has won our hearts. It's a logical game,
similar to tetris, but you will also need some manual skills. It also turned out that the game has also a great
playability. Some people are of course complaining that it's too fast, but it's probably a matter of their age.
Well, not the same sight and not those reflexes... ;) However, it's not so bad, because now you have to work out
new strategies. Krzysztof himself recommends using space bar. It pauses the game and gives the time to think what
to do. But it's not the only hint the author gives us...
Rules of the game
You start the game with an empty board. There are flowers falling in twos from the top of it. You may decide
where they will land by moving the flowers horizontally and rotating them during the flight. You can see the next plant
in the bottom right corner of the screen. If there's no more room for new flowers on the board, the game is over.
The goal of the game is to clear all the flowers away from the board, therefore you have to join the plants together
in single-colour groups of four or more. When you remove enough flowers (you can see its number on the left
of the screen), you will pass to the next level. There are five levels in the game.
There might be different kinds of flowers and objects falling. You will meet some of them only in subsequent levels.
Here's a short review:
- Common flowers
Appear in five different colours. Join them in bigger groups, horizontal as well as vertical.
- Sleeping flowers
They cannot be clear until they have been woken up. To wake a sleeping flower up you have to clear a flower lying next
to it or ask Mr. Green for help.
- Mr. Green
Is a friendly gardener with good intentions that can help you. He will clear away all flowers of the same colour
as the flower he lands on top of.
- Dr. Red
Likes to observe plant life from a close distance. He is very annoying as he cannot be removed by traditional way.
Only Mr. Green knows how to clear him away.
Flowers in falling pairs are not linked together. If they fall horizontally and stop on columns of different heights,
they split up. A group which is already formed may also split up, when flowers below are removed. The game ends,
when you remove all flowers on all three levels or when there's no more space for new pair of plants. To pass on,
you have to remove not only common flowers, but also Dr. Red. There's no time limit.
You may change flowers position as long as they don't reach the bottom of the board or already existing column.
You can move them horizontally or rotate them.
- joystick left: move pair left
- joystick right: move pair right
- joystick down: set pair horizontally
- joystick up: set pair vertically
- fire: exchange flowers in pair
- space bar: pause
You will get a number of points depending on the number of flowers in removed group:
- 4 flowers: 100 points
- 5 flowers: 150 points
- 6 flowers: 200 points
- 7 flowers: 300 points
- 8 flowers: 500 points
- 9 flowers: 750 points
- 10 flowers: 1000 points
- 11 flowers: 1500 points
- 12 flowers: 2000 points
- 13 flowers: 2500 points
- 14 or more flowers: 3000 points
- removing flowers with Mr. Green's help: 0 points
- removing Dr. Red: 0 points
If you remove enough flowers to pass a level, you will get a special bonus. It's calculated as follows:
- every empty row: 600, 720, 900 points depending on level
- every single blank: 10, 12, 15 points depending on level
Mr. Green is excellent in dangerous situations and as an impulse for successful series of removings. However,
if you aren't enough cautious, he may destroy your carefully planned arrangement of flowers. If you don't need him,
rather place him in an empty column. You may also benefit from skilful arrangement of sleeping flowers.
They may prevent too fast removing groups you are building. Wake them up when you are ready.
Special hints
You may gain better score using this 3-level combo: on 3 flowers of given colour, lay flowers of different colour,
and on that flowers, put two or three buds of the first colour. Then remove the flowers from the middle, making new
removable combination.
Easier version
For all those, who claimed the game too difficult and too fast, an easier version has been created. The changes
were made in scoring:
- falling speed on levels 1, 2, 3 is the same as on level 1 in the normal version (a walk)
- on level 4 spees is the same as on normal level 3
- on level 5 spees is the same as on normal level 4
- levels 4 and 5 have 10 flowers extra to remove
XXL & Kaz
Translation: Epi/Tristesse
Both versions of the game are available here.
Original version of the manual from
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